Wednesday, August 26, 2009

For Sale By Owner

Just a little piece of advice, if you ever start thinking about buying a house "For Sale Buy Owner", don't do it! Though you save a lot of money cutting out the middle man, I have come to the conclusion that the stress is not worth it! I suppose maybe I stress about more things than most people do so that probably makes it worse.

That leads to to ask myself why I sweat the small stuff? Why do I worry about every tiny detail? Does everything always have to be perfect? Obviously it doesn't. I don't expect everyone else to be perfect all the time so why do I expect that of myself? I suppose I'm just made that way. I wonder if you can truly change something that is such a deep part of who you are.

I wish I had Andy's easy going, "Devil may care" attitude. Nothing really gets him too riled up and if it does, he's over it pretty quick.

I try to ask myself, "In a year from now is this really going to matter?" Sometimes that helps, but many times I get to the asking part way too late. I'm already riled up.

Regardless of how hard I want to make things just so-so, the fact is that mostly things will be what they will be and I have little control over those things.


  1. I am the same way!! i think you can work on not sweating the small stuff so much but I think it will always be a part of who you are.... and that isn't always a bad thing!! There are some great qualities that come from being detail orientated!!!! Hang in there sister!!!

  2. I don't know if the stress is the same on the seller as it is the buyer but I'm so NOT looking forward to selling our house by owner. I'm hoping I can persuade my sweetie pie to go with a realtor.

    I feel for you! I'll pray you make it through this with all your hair. :)

  3. J, I used to be that way before the BC. Now I go with the flow, most of the time ;) I just try to take a step back now whereas before, I was freaking out, jumping in with 2 feet all the time. Take a deep, cleansing breath!!
