Ok, so for those of you who don't know, we live in the country surrounded by soybeans and alfalfa this time of the year. And when you live in an area literally surrounded by grain, you have mice. If you don't have lots of farm cats, you get mice in your house and that is way not cool. Especially since mice absolutely give me the willies. It's not that I'm scared of them, but they are filthy and they can literally get into ANYTHING and I hate them. I generally don't say hate, but in this case I think it's absolutely appropriate. I have yet to determine what actual purpose mice serve on this earth other than to serve as a food source for cats and snakes.
Anyhoo, literally since Monday we have lost 5 cats. We have steadily lost a handful of cats since Summer began, but this last week we are literally losing them everyday! We now only have two kittens, a worthless white female and my Tommy. Lord help us if we lose Tommy. He's our sleep in the house at night Tom, terrorize and kill mice in the day Tommy.
The last few nights we've had to keep Tommy in the house even though he desperately wanted out. Last night we brought the kittens in the house and locked them in a Pet Porter overnight so they wouldn't get killed in the night. It's really horrible to think of something coming and killing your animals in the night and that other than making them stay inside until morning, there is nothing you can do to save them.
So we think that we have coyotes that are killing the cats and we pretty much know that they are coming up to the house, likely within feet of our back door, otherwise they would not have been able to get the kittens. So I think tonight we are going to have to park one of the pickups in a spot that we can see from all directions and then we are going to have to have a little stakeout.
I sure hope we figure something out quick, otherwise Tommy will have to be boarded while we go on our little trip next weekend and he will absolutely hate that. When he has to go to the vet he usually won't come up to the house for days because he's letting us know he's mad.
He's one spoiled kitty...